Thanks to the wonderful team at Project Jupyter, AI chat models are now accessible from within Jupyter Notebooks. This capability has been made available within VMASC VA Data Cube Jupyter Notebooks with the jupyter-ai-magics package and is relatively new so if you run into any issues please don’t hesitate to contact the Data Cube team at

Jupyter AI Magic - Model Providers

Jupyter AI supports a wide range of model providers and models. To use Jupyter AI with a particular provider, you must install its Python packages and set its API key (or other credentials) in your environment.

Jupyter AI supports the following model providers:

Provider Provider ID Environment variable Python package(s)
AI21 ai21 AI21_API_KEY ai21
Anthropic anthropic ANTHROPIC_API_KEY anthropic
Bedrock amazon-bedrock N/A boto3
Cohere cohere COHERE_API_KEY cohere
Hugging Face Hub huggingface_hub HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN huggingface_hub, ipywidgets, pillow
OpenAI openai OPENAI_API_KEY openai
OpenAI (chat) openai-chat OPENAI_API_KEY openai
SageMaker sagemaker-endpoint N/A boto3

Jupyter AI Magic - Set up Model Providors in Notebook

To use any AI model provider within notebooks, you’ll need the appropriate credentials, such as API keys.

Obtain the necessary credentials (e.g., API keys) from your model provider’s platform.

You can set your keys using environment variables or in a code cell in your notebook. In a code cell, you can use the %env magic command to set the credentials as follows:

# NOTE: Replace 'PROVIDER_API_KEY' with the credential key's name,
# and replace 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' with the key.

Jupyter AI Magic Command Usage

To use the AI magic command, follow the user guide and examples created by the Project Jupyter Team.