Creating a Conda Data Cube Environment

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a new Conda environment for Data Cube analysis that requires additonal python packages not installed on the VMASC VA Data Cube.

Step 1: Open Jupyter Terminal

  1. Navigate to VMASC VA Open Data Cube.
  2. Once open, from the Launcher, select Terminal to open a new terminal window within the Data Cube.

Step 2: Create a Conda Environment

In the Terminal, you will now create a new Conda environment based on the existing base environment.

  1. To create a new Conda environment based on the Data Cube base environment, use the following command:

    conda create --name myenv --clone base

After executing, the command will take a minute or two to clone, download, and extract all packages from the base enviornment for your newly created one.

You will be notified two packages that could not be cloned, mamba and conda which are not needed for Data Cube anaylysis.

Step 3: Activate the New Environment

  1. Once the environment is created, you need to activate it. Use the following command:

     conda activate myenv
  2. After activation, your terminal prompt should change to indicate that you are now working within the myenv environment.

Step 4: Install Additional Packages

With your new Conda environment activated, you can install additional packages that are specific to your needs. For example:

conda install numpy pandas matplotlib

Step 6: Deactivating the Environment

When you’re done working in your Conda environment, you can deactivate it to return to the base environment:

conda deactivate
