JupyterHub is a multi-user platform that allows users to work collaboratively on data science projects. One of the features that makes JupyterHub particularly useful for collaboration is the shared directory, which allows users to share files and data with one another.

Accessing the Shared Directory

To access the shared directory in JupyterHub:

  1. Log in to JupyterHub using your username and password.
  2. Once you are logged in, you will see the JupyterHub dashboard.
  3. Click on the “Files” tab in the dashboard.
  4. You will see a list of directories, including the shared directory. Click on the shared directory to open it.

Virginia Data Cube Shared Directories

The shared directory includes two subdirectories that may be useful for your work: examples and research-notebooks.

  • examples: This directory contains example Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate different data analysis techniques and tools. These examples can help you get started with your own data analysis projects or provide guidance as you explore new methods.
  • research-notebooks: This directory contains notebooks from past research projects that may be useful for reference or inspiration. You may find similar research topics or methods in these notebooks that you can apply to your own work.

Uploading Files to the Shared Directory

To upload files to the shared directory in JupyterHub:

  1. Navigate to the shared directory using the steps outlined in the previous section.
  2. Click on the “Upload” button at the top of the page.
  3. Select the file or files you want to upload.
  4. Click the “Upload” button.

Collaborating on Files in the Shared Directory

Once you have uploaded a file to the shared directory, other users can access and edit the file. To collaborate on files in the shared directory:

  1. Navigate to the shared directory using the steps outlined in the first section.
  2. Find the file you want to collaborate on and click on it to open it.
  3. Make any necessary changes to the file.
  4. Save the changes.